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WHERE | Non-Site Specific


WHEN | Summer 2020




Designed and developed with my partner Abby Boedigheimer for Non-Architecture's Social Distancing Housing Block Architecture Competition, the project aims to redefine the housing typology through the articulation of shared edge conditions between units, the T.E.T.R.I.S (Tangential Experiences Through Redefined Interactive Spaces) housing block aims to create an environment wherein residents can safely interact with one another in the face of an extended quarantine. The units do not follow a rigid order, rather, they interlock to create engaging forms for the residents. The intersection of these forms creates the opportunity for varied transparent border conditions along which residents can safely socialize. The T.E.T.R.I.S. housing block contains three different unit types: a studio apartment, designed for the solitary  individual, a two-bedroom, designed for a young couple or pair of roommates, and a split-level three-bedroom capable of comfortably housing a family of four. It is our intention that these design strategies foster a diverse community of residents within the confines of the building. Flexible partition strategies between, within, and bordering units allow for the maximum customization of interior space, creating an environment conducive to interaction, privacy, and controlled contact with the outside world. To supplement the units, the roof is designed to encourage socially distanced recreational activities in addition to providing a drone delivery service to facilitate the contactless exchange of goods. 


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